Book Fairs—Is Participating Worth It?

I participated in a book fair at our local library this weekend. You may have had opportunities to do so in the past, also. As I talk to fellow authors, I find a wide range of answers to the age-old question: Was it worth it?

First of all, depending on the location, season of the year, and advertising used, it may be a good way to sell some of your books. 

Secondly, It gets your name out there. You have a unique opportunity to meet your potential reading audience and “sell yourself.”

Thirdly, being able to network with other authors, editors, and publishers is always beneficial. 

Fourthly, if the event is marketed well, you may gain coverage from local news outlets.

Finally, if there are speakers and mini-classes available, you will have a chance to learn and grow as a writer. 

On the flip side, most authors report few sales at these events, which may make the time and money (cost of books, shipping, and table fees–which can be anywhere from $0 to hundreds) involved prohibitive.

So You Want to be an Author

I retired from teaching quite a number of years ago, and like so many before me, I longed to write a book.

I told myself it would be easy. After all, I knew grammar, sentence structure, paragraph construction. I was aware of the importance of using adjectives and verbs to make a story exciting.

Without going to school each day to teach, I knew I had the time to write.

I began writing, telling the story that had been in my head for eons. The process was exciting. I was living out my dream. And, I must say, I was pretty proud of myself. 

Until I shared the first chapter with a group of seasoned writers who burst my bubble. I was “telling” the story, but they said I needed to “Show, Not Tell.”

I found that just because I had been a teacher… just because I loved to read… didn’t mean I could naturally write. That began a months-long quest to learn the writing “rules.” Reading books, taking classes, going to conferences.

I joined professional groups. I studied the craft of writing.

Writing is fun, but it is also hard work.

Several years later, with a few books under my writing “belt,” I started the blog that you are now reading. It has been five or six years of sharing what I’ve learned with others once every week.

Each of my blogs is archived on my website under the heading “BLOGS.” I invite you to visit my website and spend some time reading on subjects that interest you as a writer. I am not the end-all of writing information by any means, but there may be usable information there for you.

My website:  (You’ll want to start your own website at some point, so when you follow the link, look around to see all of the “parts” that need to be included and click on the various links to see how they all work together for the benefit of your readership).